How do you know you suffer from serious neck pain? 
Take a look below for some of the common symptoms of neck pain:

Are You Suffering from Chronic Pain?

Minimally Invasive Treatments

Individualised Detailed Pain Management Plans

Neck Pain Treatment Singapore

Is neck pain negatively affecting your daily life? Then relieve your neck pain with us so you can live comfortably once again. With 15 years of specialised experience and over 8000 treated cases, we diagnose and treat your neck pain effectively so you can live your best life.

Accurate Diagnosis & Effective Treatments

Pain management isn’t the last resort

Many people think that seeing a pain specialist is the last resort. However, therapeutic interventions work best when applied early. The sooner you seek a consultation with a pain specialist, the better your pain can be managed in the long term. This is because waiting until your pain becomes chronic to see a pain specialist might result in a deterioration of your condition, affecting your ability to fully recover from your pain.

Contact Us

To book your consultation, fill in the form below or contact us at the following. We look forward to treating you soon.

Tel: 6339 1880

Whatsapp: 8511 2119

WeChat: Specialistpain


Your Journey With Us


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Neck Pain Treatment Singapore

Is neck pain negatively affecting how you go about your daily life? Then relieve your neck pain with us so you can live more comfortably every day. With 15 years of specialised experience in treating over 8000 patients, we can diagnose and treat your neck pain effectively, helping you live your best life.

Well-trained in treating a wide range of conditions

8000+ cases treated

15 Years of

Localised Chronic Neck Pain

Neck Pain with Radiating Arm Pain

Neck Pain with Associated Headaches

Tight and Stiff Neck

Pain in Shoulders and Upper Back

Don’t Let Your Pain Affect Your Life

At Specialist Pain International, we solve your pain problems with:

Pain specialists don’t just prescribe pain medication

Most people have the common misconception that pain specialists primarily prescribe pain medications as a means for treating pain. However, that is far from the truth. SPI leverages on the latest pain diagnostic methods to accurately identify the cause of your pain, and implement appropriate procedures to treat it. Treatment options can range from physical therapy to pharmacological treatments to minimally invasive procedures.

Not all neck pains require surgery 

Surgery may not be useful for treating most types of neck pain and is oftentimes viewed as a last resort. The advances in modern medicine have led to the availability of many non-surgical interventions for your neck pain. These alternatives to open surgery are seen as the "missing link" between conservative care and surgical options.

Our Guarantees When Treating Your Pain

Facet Joint Injections

Radiofrequency Ablation / Neurolysis / Denervation

A small needle is directed to the spine with the help of X-ray guidance to inject a mixture of anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory medication into the affected area.

- Medial Branch blocks

- Intra-articular Facet Joint injection

- Epidural Blood Patch

A minimally invasive procedure that uses heat to reduce or eliminate pain transmission.

- Medial Branch Nerves

- Dorsal Root Ganglion

Honesty, respect and total commitment

Receive a thorough investigation of your pain condition and genuine treatment prescription.

Tackling Your Pain at its Root 

There are many different types of neck pain and the key to treating them effectively is to accurately diagnose the pain, which may not always be as straightforward as many assume. If you are suffering from any pain problems and have been seeking answers to them, resolve your pain quickly and book a consultation with Dr Chua today

How We Relieve Your Neck Pain

Who We Are

Specialist Pain International is committed to eliminating your neck pain and improving your quality of life, leveraging on a multidisciplinary approach coupled with the most complete array of modern treatment options. 

The Medical Director of Specialist Pain International Clinic in Elizabeth Novena Hospital, Dr Nicholas Chua has extensive experience in providing non-surgical treatments for all your painful conditions, from back pain to neck pain and even post-injury pain.

Take a look at a customer’s journey to pain recovery with Dr Chua.

Epidural Injections

These are injections of medication administered to the area around the spine that provide relief from pain and inflammation.

- Interlaminar (midline) Epidural Steroid injection 

- Transforaminal Epidural Steroid injection 

- Epidural Blood Patch






Ms Ow, a 56-year-old clerk with a desk-bound job.

She experienced chronic neck pain which caused her to suffer sleepless nights, which in turn saw her struggling at work. She also became increasingly moody, causing issues in her personal life and relationships.

The neck pain was felt between her shoulder blades, accompanied by sore and tight shoulders. Her neck joints were tender to the touch and whenever she looked up or turned her head, the pain worsened.

She experienced the pain for 6 years, attempting to treat it by undergoing physiotherapy, but after just 8 sessions, she developed side effects to the pain medications. Ultimately, she ended up consulting Dr Chua.

Within a couple of weeks of undergoing the treatment procedure, she found relief from the debilitating and constant pain that had followed her for 6 years. This is because Dr Chua was able to accurately identify the root cause of her pain, which was Cervical Facet Syndrome, and recommended Radiofrequency Facet Ablation as a treatment. 

For the first two weeks after the procedure, Ms Ow experienced postoperative neck ache -- a common side effect of the treatment. But after those two weeks, her pain no longer bothered her.

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